Rodrick Rules 72-91

wimpy kid 15


ringleader person who is causing the most trouble or leading a joke
marched (to march) to walk somewhere quickly
drilled (to drill) to prepare or practice over and over
to deny (dee-ny-d) to say you didn’t do something you are accused of doing
relieved to become less stressed or upset; to feel better about something bad that was happening
incident something that happened; event; situation
idiom: to ground someone a punishment from a parent, where the kid has everything taken away (TV, video games) and cannot leave the house (ex. to play with friends, go to a party)
gumdrop some kind of candy, similar to jelly and has sugar sticking on it
crumb a small piece (fragment) of cake, or bread, etc.
to fess up comes from the word to confess; to admit that you have done something that someone else will not like
fib small lie
backfired describes a plan that goes the opposite of how you expected or wanted
celebrity a famous person
to harbor contain or have or keep or make


a desire to do something, especially something wrong
unforeseen not predicted, not seen, surprising
squeaky clean well-behaved
dentures fake teeth
liberating freeing, makes you feel free
streak a short period of good or bad luck
porch a place that is in front of a house or building; connected to and usually used for sitting outside when it is nice out
formulate create, think of
concept ideas
mansion very large expensive house
clerk office worker
sanitation keeping things clean, related to health, អនាម័យ
sanitation worker garbage man
nurse medical professional, connected to doctor
rake collect (collect leaves to put in the bag)
idiom: forking over giving
skit small play/performance at school
rear at the back (ex. rear end = butt)
display show
juicy describes interesting information, usually about something someone wants to keep secret
gossip to speak about other people’s private information
thrilled extremely excited and happy about something


Kratz cratz

Comprehension Check

Name: Samady

Date: 12/8/2015

  1. What does it mean that Greg thought he was “in the clear” about the Chirag joke?

Greg thought he was “in the clear” about the Chirag joke means he is out of trouble.


  1. Explain the difference between deny and confess. What is the idiom for confess? Who denies something in this “chapter” and who confesses?


The difference between deny and confess is:


Deny Confess
To say that you didn’t do it, to accuse someone else. to know, or admit that you did something that people do not like.
  1. Why does Chirag feel relieved? What is something that you have been relieved about before?

Chirag felt relieved because Greg came to apologize to him about the prank that he did in class.

Something that I have been relieved about before was sometimes I stayed up late at night. It is the rule that I should get to bed on time. It happened most of the times that I got up late. Sometimes I talked with friends or did my work, and the RE would knock on the door, and open it to see if there were any more kids left. Sometimes I nearly got busted by her, but I hid, and I felt relieved when she left without seeing me. Great grammar on that last sentence!

  1. Why don’t people appreciate Greg’s honesty?

People didn’t appreciate Greg’s honesty because his honesty makes people angry. He is telling too much truth that makes people upset.

  1. Do you think any of the kids want to be an electrical engineer after hearing the man’s presentation? Why or why not?

I think no kids want to be an electrical engineer after hearing the man’s presentation because the job was too difficult for the kids to do, and as Greg said, in the next 15 years, he’ll be in the mansion, counting his money! Samady, EXCELLENT grammar! Thank you but the first sentence I was duplicated from you and the last sentence I take from the book so, only the middle sentence that I wrote my own.

  1. Why did Rodrick want to fill the bags less? What was the benefit?

Rodrick wanted to fill the bags less because it is really helpful for him, and the benefits are he and Greg could be done a lot quicker than just putting the leaves inside the bag until it is full, so they can get the free chocolate from their grandma. Their grandma didn’t seem so happy about that, but a deal’s a deal, so their grandma forked over the chocolate to them. I think this advice from Rodrick made Greg feel relieved and it was a good concept for Greg to learn.

  1. What was your favorite part of this “chapter” and why?

My favorite part is when Greg is being honest. I think I am also one of the honest people too, but what Greg does was an exaggeration of honesty. It is just over or too much honesty. He keeps telling things that he thinks are true, just like Rowley’s grandpa’s birthday. Greg had said something that means maybe Rowley’s grandpa will not live anymore, in the next year. Another thing that is really funny is, Greg’s mom wanted Greg to tell the woman that called to her that she wasn’t in the house right now, but Greg doesn’t want to lie, so he told his mom to go outside the house, to stand on the porch and then Greg replied to the woman, “My mom is not in the house right now.” What do you think about that?  

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