Liger Economy

As we were getting older, Liger wanted us to be more responsible so Liger are going to have a currency system which made by some of the Liger students. In this Expertise I learned a lot, and here is my note taking in class.

Liger Economy

We are now planning the Liger Currency (pedro).

What we gonna talk about now is money in general, How to manage our own budgets?

A lot of people having problem with borrowing money, loan, manage their money or even save their money.


What is it
Money is any valuable object that is widely used in the purchase and sale of goods and services.

Function in the economy

How to manage our own budgets?
Opportunities we have in Liger


If money doesn’t exist, we can trade goods.

Barter Problems

Using goods to trade for other goods without using money.

1. Some goods are heavy and hard to transport
2. Some goods don’t last
3. With barter, we need to want what the other person has
4. We need to figure out, how much our good is worth vs all other goods
5. Information is incomplete
6. Some good cannot be divide

Money must be

1. Medium of Exchange

It solves problem #3. I can sell my product for money and use that money to buy what I want. Both people are willing trade for money

2. Unit of account

Now I don’t to measure the quantity of the product. It’s a standard way of measuring value. Now I have a much better idea how much my goods worth. Example: I don’t need to measure 1kg of Dorian equal how much kg for the rice. I just need to said 1kg of dorian 12000 riel.
This answer problem #4.

3. Store of value

Solve problem #2. Money didn’t get lost or rotten like fish. Something put away for a time and still keep its value.

4. Standard of Deferred Payment

A standard way of paying of future debt. Money is denominations (size, measure, different value, be able to divide)

The Value of Money

Commodity Money

Money that made out of something valuable (made from gold). In 1915, the commodity worth $5.

Representative Money

Money that gets its value from being exchangeable into a precious metal like gold and silver.

Fiat Money

Physical currency  authorized by a central bank or governmental body and that does not have to be exchanged for gold or some other commodity money. Backed by nothing but the promise of the Federal Government.

The government said that it is worth this much, and we believe the promise.

Electronic Money

– Does not exist in physical. It’s exist virtually form. Extremely Important for every economy.
Right now, there are more Electronic money than Physical money (much much more);


How is money created?

We don’t have money, so we’ll do barter. I am the president of the Liger economy. The first thing I do is to create a central bank. Take care of printing, and distribute money. Vuthy will be a central bank management.

1. I create a central Bank, which will be Vuthy

2. Vuthy (Central Bank) will prints papers certificates and decrees the value of each certificate to be 1 pedro (pd) which becomes the national currency in Liger republic. I and Vuthy will say it worth 1 pedro, we guaranty, and we said that.

3. The government will punish someone other than the Liger central bank from printing these certificates. One way for them to get the money is for them to pay government workers. Then they buy assets (buy clothes, fruit, cars), so the money can go to the people.

4. Legal Tender – On every money, there is a legal tender: means here something must be accepted in an exchange of goods and services. I can’t exchange car with Royal D. Government accepted it as payment for taxes. Utah next to Navada, Navada next to California – Utah is a country that have silver as a legal tender

After Khmer Rouge, Cambodia make new currency because at that time it hard to sell assets.
When the government want to introduce the money, they will buy things. When they want to take money back, they sell things example land, clothes, etc.

Role of the central bank

1. Printing and take care of all the currency in the country
2. Creating a money (monetary) policy for the entire country
4.. Monetary Policy – a money plan for the country, he need to decide whether the government need to print more money, or less money. Does it need to take out money for the economy?
5. Setting Interest rates

Right now the interest rates in Cambodia is 1.42%. In U.S, the interest rates only .5%. If I putted money in U.S. bank, I got only  extra .5% of the money I put. Why I got so low in U.S than in Cambodia? It has to do a lot with GDP growth. If the interest rates go high, it hard to borrow money. So they will buy less things. It helps to lower the speed of the economy not to grow quickly.


Each person found about 52,000 dollars a year in America-. 27% of people save 0 money, 22% of people can’t pay 100 dollars, and 46% of people can’t pay 800 dollars.

First bank created electronic bank, and the people borrow money but not all money.

Play in PP

I got to go to a play that happened at a French hotel in Phnom Penh. The actors were foreigners. I don’t really undestand the play and it wasn’t for young kids like us. It was an adult play. One of my favorite things from the play was that I got to see those actors and they were really good actors/actresses. I got shocked when the main actor (a man) screamed for his wife to come back and the part that the family got into a fight. Anyway, we only watched half of the play then we left cause it was too long. Still, it was a very unique experience I got and I think I was really lucky to be there.

Youth Talk


Youth Talk was an event I joined. There are many speakers that spoke about their career or something that they succeeded in. Some were talking about their project like recycling plastics/bottles into dresses or clothes. Seriously, it was very amazing and they putted those clothes to join in very big events/competitions. Some were talking about their passion with drawing/painting. I remembered this guy, who said that sometimes you need to be selfish to achieve your goal, if you care about your family or someone too much you can’t go any furthur. Youth Talk was a really cool experience even though I wasn’t the speaker.

A teenager tried to bring back Cambodian Culture

There is one night were a small group of students went to a place in Phnom Penh to listen to a presentation from a young Cambodian teenager about Cambodian Culture and I’m one of them. I did saw other audiences, and all of them are adults. I listened to her, she explained us about some ceremony Khmer people did in the village, like for example Bun Phum (village ceremony). She also explained us about her childhood. At the end there are some questions that people asked her and I heard arguments between her perspective and the man that was there. The man said that right now there are many thing going on that people trying to improve the culture and he thinks that the culture is improving than before while the girl thinks it’s decreased. Anyway, both ideas are thing that we need to think about. I did agreed both sides cause I did know that some Khmer teenagers follow foriegn styes, but some are trying to improve and bring back Cambodian culture.



For the first few weeks of Liger, I joined this competition which Liger provided us. When I went there I saw a lot of adults, and I think we’re the youngest! The theme of the event was to create a product that help to solve the problem “How can we keep crops last longer after they harvested”. For the first evening, everyone was just warming up, brainstormed ideas and made teams. I got an idea, a lot of ideas but they’re just not very good. I found this idea very interesting, what if we create a box, putted underground, then store the crops? Maybe it works, maybe it didn’t- I don’t know! So I told some of the people about my idea. It was pretty scary to talk to them and I’m not really good at talking, I got nervous every time I speak. At the end I teamed up with a student, a student from my school, my friend. It wasn’t really because I wanted to get a team with a student I knew but it seems that no one had the same idea as us, only two of us. We’re still happy cause it’s okay to be two people. After we got the team, we worked to create a first sample product of our idea from papers. That’s kind of hard, papers? Our first product was just a square box, and a tank connected outside the box. The tank was to put water inside, so it probably can cool the crops. That’s our thinking. We then presented it to the other team. Yep the youngest again! I mean I’m old, 14 is old but if I compared to them, we’re still young. After we presented our idea, we felt relieved. I always feel comfortable when someone came up and speak with me which was my partner. We listened to other people’s ideas too and it was pretty cool. We left the place, and went back to Liger. Everyone seems tired but it was fun.


Tomorrow we went back again. This time, we started to create a business plan and we learned a lot of things from the mentors there. We also started to develop our idea. It went from a simple product into a really useful one- useful (that’s my thinking) but maybe not the judges. We built the product from cardboard, straws and probably something else. It kind of stressful to create the business plan, but that was okay. It was really fun though cause I got to see new people there. I think they got really high education. There was one man who broke his arm. My partner was really brave he asked the man why and I heard the story too and it made me think that I need to be strong, they can so I can do it too. Besides, we created the product, the business plan then we presented to the people there again then we presented to the judges. I don’t know who were they but I knew exactly that they’re really professional. The presentation was like a pitch so I was the pitcher. I wanted my partner to do it, but he told me to do it so I did it. I tried to write the script as fast as possible and tried to make it short. When I pitched to the judges I tried to make eye contact and speak clearly, slowly and louder, that is what my teacher told me, he always told everyone like that. The pitch finished, and I felt relieved and guess what, I was the second one to pitch the product. Throughout all the pitches, every product were really good. At the end they announced the winner. Sadly, none of the Liger students won the competition but we still very happy, everyone smiled all the times. I think our product was really good, most of the people there thought it was really good but it didn’t win. The winner got to go to Singapore and pitch their idea in a bigger Makerthon Competition, I think. There was also runner up, in case the winner has some technical problems. I also think that maybe Makerthon was one of the best events I joined even though it’s complicated.

Ind.Discovery : Liger Wikipedia

Table of Content
Table of Content

I chose a project that’s going to continue to the third round expertise which is a project where I tried to create a wikipedia for Liger. I was nearly give up cause there are too much to research and I have to get a very exact and clear information cause it’s about Liger. Actually, I was about to create wikipedia for Cambodian super stars since there are none, I mean some but not many have a wikipedia for themselves. I thought it might be fun and useful! But then it was too hard to find the information for them and if I got it wrong I might get into trouble or something. So I decided to do for Liger since we don’t have one and I did knew that ISPP had one too. An independent discovery didn’t really have an exact class so I can go any where I wanted. Usually I went to green room which is a room where my teacher Caroline taught some of the students about current event. Current Event was one of favorite classes. I loved to learn about current event, especially with her. So whenever I did the research, I always listened to what she said and it was very interesting but I have to focus on my project so I didn’t say anything.
Anyway, I went in there to do the research. I researched in the website cause I think that’s the website where I can get the information. I first created a table of content, checked with adults and continued to do more research, start writing. I will never stop doing it until it finished even though it’s hard for me and I don’t really like it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s motivate me to do it cause I really want to see the outcome!



I had about 3 hours every Wednesday to work on my Investigation Project which is about a freezer that putted underground to store food. I got this idea from a Makerthon Competition that I joined during weekend. In class I tried to do more research about, can fan cool down the water. I worked with Menghourt cause he had the same idea as me too, and also he was my partner when we were at the Makerthon. Throughout the research, I got this summery for my final investigation class but my teachers gave me a lot of comments which is good cause I can improve and I’m or We’re going to improve it at the next round investigation class cause the expertise was already ended.

Read our unfinished report below:

Project Name: Underground Freezer

Team Members: Meng Houth and Samady

Question: How to keep the crops last longer after they’re harvested?

Background Information:

Cambodia is an agriculture country, and about 80% of Cambodian people were farmers. Rice is the most important agricultural in this region. Cambodia Exports 149,464 Tons of Rice in January – March 2015; Up 77% from Last Year. Cambodia also do other farming. According to Phnom Penh, the country produced 92,000 tons of corn (maize), as well as 100,000 tons of cassava, about 34,000 tons of sweet potatoes, and 37,000 tons of dry beans in 1986. However, rotten crops are continuing to happen rapidly. Most of the crops last only 3-4 days, which is really bad for the sellers, famers or someone who export the product. This problem has impact the economy, and the people who survive from the crops and it had become one of the food waste problems.


Our hypothesis is plastic will help observe the cold from the water, so it can help to fresh the food, just like refridgerator. We think that it can keep the fruits and the crops last about 1 week.

Experiment or Design:

The solution that we came up was a solution we used to compete in the Southeast Asia Makerthon. This is a simple idea that pop out of our brain, it called a ground freezer. But we’re not making it because it’s such a big product, but this is an idea that people can take and make it better. Basically, the product is a plastic box which has bamboo structure inside it. Around the plastic box, there is another plastic box which contain water, but the water is only half full of the plastic box. On the side, there is a fan which attach with the windmill above the ground. That windmill is use the energy of the wind, to rotate the fan, so it can move the water which help to cool down the water, and help the crops. We need to paint the box because it can help the metal to not get rust. We also has a tube connected to the box, and come out of the ground, so the hot air can get out. Around the lit, there is a rubber gastex, which help to stuck the lit and the plastic box together (note: similar to refrigerator).


Our conclusion is, we are not sure the product going to work or not because we didn’t get to do the testing. But throughout research and some other small tests, we found out that, fan can keep the water cold, which means it can cool the crops. When we use the windmill to make the fan move to move the water, it also can help to produce electricity and that benefit the people who used it without spending money on electricity. Also, this product is easy to prepare, and villagers can make their own. We need to think carefully about  the cost of the product, and can villagers afford that. But, our main focus is not to get money but to create a product that can help to improve our country and the world as we know that currently, food crisis are happening, and there are many vegetables spoiled after a few days. We are hoping that investors are interested with the product, and help to improve it.



Photography ASE week 1

This week I took a lot of pictures. I really love them, but I don’t know if you love them as much as I do.