Robotics 2 Description

Name of Course: Robotics 2

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 12 students

Days we Meet: January 19 to March 27

Course Description: In this Advanced Enrichment we learned lots of programing the robot. To program our teacher told us to do what challenge that we can work on. There were five challenges that Max told us to work. The first three challenges Max wanted us to make our robots move in the square using three different sensors. Next he told us to have a competition to see which robot is the fastest and what strategies that they use. After we knew the result he made the last challenge for us. That challenge was called Dragon Challenge. If we did right all we will get 90 points but it is so hard. In that challenge there were fire, dragon, people that helped one person stuck in the dragon place. We had to knock down the dragons and fires but don’t knock down the people who were helping. If we knocked the people that help we will lose our points.

Algebra B Description

Name of Course: Algebra B

Learning Facilitator: Jeff

Number of Students: 12

Dates: August 12-January 16

Days we Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: Our group learns about Algebra. We started to learn about negative numbers and positive numbers. First we started to draw a number line about negative numbers and positive numbers. The other thing we do is graphing numbers. It is the biggest thing we need to learn. Sometimes on weekends we have a homework to do from the teacher because we need to work hard on graphing it. Other important areas are solving hard problems. Some of the problems that we can not do we can ask the best teacher. He will not tell you a answer. He will show you a way to do it easier, faster and correctly. The goal is know all the key words and solve a lot of hard problems. Here are the key words: Coordinate Grid means the equation about graphing on the papers. Linear Equations mean that used Y=mx+b to graph on the graph papers. Slope means Y=mx+b and mx is a slope. Intercept means the place that one line and one line touch each other. Variables mean the letters the represent the number. Solve means to do the equation. Equations mean the questions that the teacher put for the kids to do. But it a math word.


Food Systems Description

Food group

  • Exploration Name: Food Systems
  • Exploration Dates: March 10 – May 2
  • Number of Students: 15

A food system is the cyclical process of growing, transforming, packaging, transporting, cooking, eating, and recycling food. Sometimes we can skip some of these steps. For example if we eat a mango that grows from a tree at our house we are skipping packaging, transporting, cooking, and transforming. This is an example of a local food system. An example of a global food system is chips that have ingredients from different parts of the world and are packaged, transformed and transported all over the world.

In our class we learned the difference between all three kinds of soil. They are sand, silt and clay. We started to grow the seeds. The seeds have grew, but we have not taken its to grow in our raised beds yet. In one day we have to give the water to the plants 3 – 4 times. We learned the six steps to grow the seeds, from laying the toilet paper to moving them in the tray. We have learned the part of the seeds. There are seed coat, embryo and cotyledons. We learned about the fruits and vegetables. We also learned about global and local food systems. Global is the food that is all around the world. Local is the food that is near. Ex: If we are Cambodian and buy the food in Cambodia that food is the local because it is near where we live. Ex: If we are Cambodian and buy the food from Malaysia that food is the global because it is far away from where we live. Also, we learn about the pros and the cons about local and global food systems.

We took four trips to learn about Food Systems. The first trip we went on Organic farm. The owner shown us how to grow the seeds. In his farm there are ten different types of seeds: lettuce, fruit plants and herbs. Also, he told us that insects and the weeds destroy his farm. Weeds are the things that you don’t want. Ex: In the farm have the grass that grows, the weeds is the grass because the farmer doesn’t want that to grow in their farm. New technology is that they cover the soil by the plastic because when we put the compost and the water will not go away. Compost is made out of the animals poo mixed with soil and rice husks. The second trip we went to Natural garden store. In that shop sell vegetables, snacks, wine and ingredients. The owner had taught us how to find where the food came from. The owner said that some of his fruits, vegetable and cookies are bought from France, America, Thailand, North America, Singapore, Germany and local. He has own farm in Kampong Speu and at Kampong Som. The third trip we went to University Agriculture. In there we learned about hydroponics. The guide told us that hydroponic is the new technology in Cambodia. Hydroponics means growing on the water. At there we saw lots of lettuce that grows on the water. The last trip we went to Rice Mill. We learned about the different rice in Cambodia. Also, we learned the difference between brown rice and white rice and how both of this rice is good for us.


Newspapers Description

My newspaper group
My newspaper group

Exploration Name: Newspapers

Exploration Dates: October 7 to November 19

Number of students: 12

Essential Questions:

At Phnom Penh Post
At Phnom Penh Post

(1) Why do we have newspapers?

(2) Historically, what have newspapers sought to do?

(3) How is the purpose enhanced or diminished by external factors (freedom of speech, infrastructure)?

(4) What do reporters do and what are their ethical responsibilities?

(5) What is the process of creating a newspaper from start to finish? What role does technology play?


In our newspaper class we had a lot of hard things to do but there were fun things to do too. The first thing we did was get introduced to some of the old and famous newspapers. Later on we got the name of one of the newspapers and did the research in pairs or groups. On Friday afternoon we had assembly so we did our presentation one by one. Everyday we learned new things about newspapers and it was very exciting. The most hard and exciting part was we made our own newspaper about our school. Also we went on a late night trip to the Phnom Penh Post printing press at 10:00pm. It was so late we got to sleep in the teacher apartment. The name of our newspaper is Liger Post. We sold it at NISC, ICan, coffee shops and restaurants. At the end we made about $280. We gave some to the Documentary group to do the bike race and some to the orphanage at Siem Reap. Each student on the team also got some money, about $8 each.

In a elevator
In an elevator


Liger Water System Description

PH the liquid
PH the liquid

Exploration Name: Liger Water System

Exploration Dates: August 12 – September 26

Number of Students: 12

The liquid
The liquid

Description: In our water group we learned about the pH of water. The full words of pH is Percent Hydrogen. That is the kind of scale that people use to measure the acids and bases. The scale of pH is 0-14. From 0-7 is acidic, 7-14 is basic and 7 is neutral. The hydrogen (H+) is acid and hydroxide (OH-) is base. When we learned about pH we did the experiment with 13 liquid things. For ex: the coca-cola and pond water. The coca-cola was 2.0 so it means acidic. If we drink it a lot like every day we would get sick but if we drink in 1 week only 1 it will be good. The pond was 10.0 so it means basic and if it has a lot of basic like this it also not good for our health either. So we can eat or drink only higher than 7 to 9 or lower than 7 to 5, so it not really have many bases or acids. In this class we also studied about algae. Algae is the kind of plants that live in water and it uses the sun as it food. When this plant lives in water it will make water become basic. We studied our own pond at Liger to learn about this. One other thing that we learned was the water cycle. We learned when the sun rises then it does the evaporation with water. When water goes up it is not yet become the clouds but when the temperature is cool then it makes condensation so it becomes the cloud. When the cloud in the sky catches the cool temperature it will become the rain again. To learn about water we went on the trip to RDI. RDI is the place that makes the water filters to sell. One thing that we learned from there is why they made this RDI place because they saw that some people here don’t have the clean water to drink so they can buy it to get the filter and clean for them. Another reason is when they sell the water filter they sell as cheaply as they can to help the people in Cambodia.


Khmer Architecture Description

When we at Angkor Wat
When we at Angkor Wat

Exploration Name: Khmer Architecture

Exploration Date: November 20-January 17

Number of students: 12

Essential Questions/areas:

(1) What is the meaning of architecture?

(2) What information should I know about architecture?

(3) What does Khmer architecture look like?

(4) What are the differences between ancient and modern architecture?

(5) How do we create architecture?


Architecture is the process of planning, designing and constructing. When we work on architecture with these three things we have to think about durability, utility and beauty. So in our Exploration we learned about architecture in Cambodia. For example: in Cambodia there are many houses, buildings and also the temples. The Khmer architecture was different than the other countries because like the Angkor Wat is made from the big rocks and the foundation that they built is layers of rocks and sand. But in the other countries, like in the U.S.A, there are not really the buildings that have the foundation like that. Before, the buildings in Cambodia were not that big. The houses were also not that big and were not made from cement like right now. Now when they make the houses, they put many colors and many styles that they want. But at the past, the Khmer buildings were not too big and did not have many styles like now. Just the temples had many styles that Khmer ancestors made by hand with the big rocks. On the big rocks they made the big sculptures that showed about Khmer history. To do the architecture we have to follow the theory of architecture and do it step by step. In this group we went on the trip to Siem Reap to learn how did the Khmer ancestors build the temples. Other than that we also went to some places in Phnom Penh. We went to Central Market, Olympic Stadium and PPIT. That is the school that teaches about the architecture.

Bayon Temple
Bayon Temple
Floor Plan
Floor Plan
My Floor Plan House
My Floor Plan House

Future Jobs Description

Exploration Name: Future Jobs

Exploration Dates: January 20th – March 7th

Number of Students: 12

Essential Questions:

1. How will jobs that help Cambodia look different in the future?

2. What motivates people to choose the job they do?


During the round four exploration we learned about Future Jobs. In Future Jobs we had to develop the presentation questions (ask more questions). We asked more questions because in our Exploration we had a lot of trips that taught us about the jobs in the real life. After that we learned about Nanotechnology, Water crisis and Alternative fuels. Nanotechnology is smaller than atoms. One thing we learned was that it is waterproof and can go underground without breaking. In Water crisis topic we learned that 70% of the Earth is seawater and 30% is land. But just 3% is good water. 884 million people don’t have good water and nearly 1,000,000,000 don’t have water. The last topic was Alternative fuel. We noticed that the gas can live 60 years, oil can live 60 years and coal can live 1000 years. Last we prepared for our job shadow on the next day. Job shadow means to go to the real place of work to do the job with the people that are in the job that helps Cambodia a lot. All of us went to different places with our partner. For example, some of us went to World Vision and some went to Northbridge International School.

Future Jobs