Which Fairy tale do I like the best? Journal 2013

I don’t want to edit anything for this because I want to show you all that my English at 2013 is not well as now. It is really bad! But I hope you all understand about this and I know you’ll see so many mistakes in it.

This is 2013, and the fairy that I liked best it not only ERAGON.

The fairy tale i like the best is ERAGON. When race at after lauch i all way go to read with JoJo. first time i don’t know what is Earagon story and what happen in this story. The people that they write this story is so good. They write about the Magic about the blue rock and it has a one shade are not good. This story make me fell like scear to this story because some time they said the shade are ungly and bad. The Eragon are poison this poison are good. I very afried to the shade that he want to has the girl it called Elf. It is a long poison and long hair. She is so beautiful. The shade when he saw the girl he want the girl and he kill the boy that they walk with the girl in the forest. The girl ran away to other forest but the shade called the peple that they follow the shade to find the girl. When he saw the girl he kill the girl but she not die and not sleep. And the on her body has blue stone when she fall down the blue stone are Dissepeared. but Eragon are saw it at the …….. it like a mountain.

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